Future-ready transportation consulting


Transportation development requires a highly strategic approach, as organizations balance the need for project speed, safety and careful compliance. A trusted firm can deliver transportation consulting services that ensure your organization has the technical expertise and project management guidance it needs to bring one of these ambitious undertakings to life. 

Our engineers, designers and project managers work closely with stakeholders to define project objectives, key performance indicators (KPIs) and project constraints. The Over J team can help deliver transportation development successfully, ensuring team members are updated as considerations change, as often happens on these extended projects.

Bringing together industrial experience and technical skill

Over J has developed a reputation for excellence in the field of industrial planning and engineering. Our team’s depth of knowledge and experience allows us to deliver high-quality solutions that meet our clients’ needs, whether designing transportation infrastructure or assessing field conditions for project feasibility.

We are committed to providing clients with innovative and value-driving solutions that will help your organization achieve operational excellence. Our transportation consulting services cover a complete range of needs in the industry, from analysis, surveying and structural design to execution, project closeout and compliance reporting.

Delivering complex projects on time and under budget

Our commitment to quality begins at the very beginning of any transportation project. From pre-qualification through contract administration, we work closely with our clients throughout the entire process. Our commitment to excellence and attention to detail ensures that all aspects of the project are addressed and resolved before construction begins. Over J also provides comprehensive post-construction support, assisting with project closeout by ensuring that final inspections are completed and required documentation is submitted to the appropriate regulatory agencies.

Assessing environmental conditions for integrity engineering

Integrity engineering is a critical component of highway safety programs. It involves conducting site surveys and evaluating existing roadways to determine their condition and identify potential hazards. Our consulting engineers can assess the structural integrity of bridges and other transportation structures to ensure they are safe for use. Over J offers a broad range of integrity engineering services, including site surveys, structural inspection, environmental assessment and civil engineering evaluations.

Conducting thorough risk and compliance analyses

Risk analysis is a key element of any transportation project. It helps to identify potential problems before they occur and areas for improvement. When our consultants conduct a risk analysis, it includes a review of current regulations, industry standards and best practices. We also consider the impact of proposed changes on stakeholders such as property owners, businesses and residents. In addition to performing risk assessments, Over J conducts compliance audits, taking a detailed review of the company's policies and procedures to ensure project leads and other employees are complying with all applicable laws and regulations.

Partnering with stakeholders to engineer custom solutions

Transportation infrastructure and technology are constantly evolving. As new technologies emerge, so do new operational challenges. For example, advances in vehicle technology have led to increased demand for autonomous vehicles. However, this technology has not been widely adopted due to concerns about safety and security. To address these challenges, we partner with our clients to understand their business objectives and create solutions that will enable them to reach those goals. Our transportation consulting includes safety and security inspections, custom automation for compliance audits and reporting and innovative engineering and design.

Ready to modernize your transportation operations?

Modern transportation use cases incorporate a range of technologies at once, from connected IoT devices to electrical components and complex traffic management systems. Managing it all, along with the underlying data infrastructure, can be incredibly overwhelming – not to mention the project management and process development responsibilities. It's essential to work with transportation consulting services that understand all your needs. With Over J consultants, you get the benefit of our team’s industrial experience, combined with technical expertise in engineering, design, process development and project management.

Transportation consulting services that drive success

Across the Over J team, we have extensive experience helping industrial companies achieve their goals – both in the short and long term. We’re able to deliver lasting results because we focus on making transformative changes that solve our clients' most pressing operational challenges. 


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